I do not have a good memory on my birthday. As my birthday is March 22nd during school holiday, people forget my birthday. My family forgets my birthday and so do my friends too. Also it is the day my ex- boyfriend left me. So it is a very sad day for me. But I have known I would have a birthday on a ship. So I told my birthday would be happening on board to everyone on a ship.
“My birthday is coming next month!”
“My birthday is coming next week!!”
“My birthday is tomorrow!!!”
Then on a birthday morning, everyone said to me “Happy birthday Shiho!”
On a ship, the expedition leader explains about the schedule on a day during breakfast time. But even on that time, he mentioned “Today is Shiho’s birthday so be nice to her! "
I also asked him “I want to try kayaking!” then I tried sea ice kayaking on
Antarctica. It was my first time in my life. It seems like kayaking would be so
exhausting so I didn’t want to try before. But when the passenger asked about
kayaking, I couldn’t answer or explain anything about it. So I thought I should
have experience one time and wanted to try!
Then it was just amazing! The weather was so nice. We could see the
whales so close. The clear clean ice and water is so near to see. The beautiful
glacier is surrounding us and I feel I am a part of nature. I can’t never
imagine how beautiful and how amazing to paddle with that view and wild life. I
thought it would be exhausting. Yes it might be true to get a sore arm at the
end. But it defiantly worth and I want to defiantly try again if I have a chance.
Also during dinner time, the crew came to take the order as usual and
then the even hotel manager, Louise came to talk and ask to me.
“Shiho, do you want to eat Sushi now or do you want to eat later??”
Yes, I was very hungry for Japanese food. So I was asking if I can have
a Sushi to John who is one of a chef on a ship. I was surprised he is still remembering
because I talked to John for few days ago. I thought he already forgot
about my favor.
I don’t like row fish so I don’t eat Sushi and Sashimi too. So I mostly
like Western Sushi such as the California roll (which contains avocado
cucumber and no row fish) I told John about my taste and then he made it exactly what I want to eat. I talked with him about my birthday for few days ago and I don’t see him
often on a ship. I really thought he forgot so I was really happy he remembered.
That sushi is the most delicious sushi I’ve ever had in my life.
When I eat the most adorable sushi, I see there are few people who wore penguin suits have hoops at the back. I kind knew what happened next but pretend I didn’t know anything and kept eating dinner.
Then suddenly, Rose who is one of our colleagues from Tasmania got a
microphone and said “It is Shiho Sparkle Hooper’s birthday today!”
Immediately after their penguins appeared walking and hooping with a yummy cake. Then they stopped middle of the dining room. One of the lovely penguins passed me the
birthday cake. Then they started a hooping performance with the birthday song by
100 passengers. It is very cute to see the penguin continuing drop the hoops but
keep hooping and performing and made me so happy.
This birthday gift is the most adorable, cutest, and lovely gift I’ve ever had in my
life. What I want to say here is how communication is important. I didn’t
have a good memory in my birthday. That’s because I didn’t say anything. I
thought the birthday is not a big deal even though my family or friends
forgot about. But if I claim, people will remember and they would give me
some reaction about that. If I want to go to Kayak, I tell I want to go to Kayaking. If I want to eat Sushi, I tell I want to eat Sushi. If I want people to celebrate my birthday, I tell people about my birthday.
After 2 cruise ship on this season, I tried to claim my opinion and be confident. Sometimes the things don’t work well. It doesn’t always happen what I want or desire. But I want to regret with my claim rather than being silent. If I don’t tell any, it will never be happen what I want. But If I tell what I want, I will get a chance. I must regret and think what if I tell my opinion, I say something and I beg my favor, different future appears to me.
Our dreams would be reality if we speak out what I want, think and
desire. It is possible to control imaginary and desirable future by ourselves.
Do you have that experience? It is very important to tell others what you want and
think. I finally noticed this important thing in my birthday this year.
I will live vivid and do my best for my last 20th year!!
皆さんはそんな経験ないですか? 自分のやりたいことや思っていることって本当を口に出して伝えるって本当に大事。そんなことにこの年になってきづかされた誕生日でした。