Recently, I have talked with my Japanese friend on a phone. She said to me "you always challenge the new things and have a lot of news but you do not have any this time? “
I have a lot of news I want to tell!!!
Few weeks ago, I joined the fire team. Then I joined the fire performer with fire hula-hoop in the community event.
I normally do the solo act so it is a very good opportunity and experience for me to perform with the team.
It is also a new and different challenging for me to perform with the fire as I work with the kids a lot in a past.
Currently, I am teaching kids Monday to Friday. I could not imagine this from last year. Because one years ago today I have no opportunity to teach hooping with the kids for everyday.
I also got a good feedback from one of the venue. They asked me if I can come back for next term. However, there is a rule I can not come back with the same activity; hula hoop, so they need some other circus skills. So they want me to teach variety of circus activity including hooping. I said to the venue “ I am able to do a little bit of some other circus skills. But to be honest, I am not good to teach them as hula-hoop. “ Then they said to me “ That would be fine. I want you to be back and am sure you can be good.”
The level of hooping by kids is getting better and better. So I can’t do the same things every time. I should keep challenging the new thing. I answered to her.
“It will be a good opportunity for me to teach new skills I am learning. I am pleased to challenge. “
Few weeks ago, I went back to Japan so took of teaching for a week. When I went back teaching after a week, the kids run to me and said “How’s Japan?” “ I missed you. “.with a big hug. They are looking forward to hooping and wait for me to teach. I was so happy. I want to bring them the happy time always. I thought I can do it. Actually I did it.
However, to create the happy time, it keeps challenge the new skills and ideas. The challenge will never be end.
Currently, I am learning more fire technique such as fire eating, Besides the hoops, I practice the other circus skills such as juggling, devils stick and diablo. For me , Hula-hoop is the most passionate. But the most important thing is being able to create the hapy time and bring to people joy.
That is why I will keep challenging and this will never be end.
数日前に、FIREのチームに入りました。先日、community のイベントでfire performanceで私もfire hoop で参加しました。
私は一人でperformance することが今まで多く、誰かと一緒に何かをするという機会にあまり恵まれなかったので、とってもいい経験になります。
そして、何よりも自分で開拓してきた子供へのteacihng やperformance を経て、雰囲気の違うfire performance は自分にとって新たな境地でもあります。
現在は、放課後教室の仕事で子供へのteaching も月曜から金曜でさせて頂いています。これも、去年からは考えられないことです。だって、去年の今頃は毎日子供にhoopを教える機会なんてなかったんですもの。
現在、fire のperformance の幅を伸ばすため、火食いの練習をしています。また、HOOP以外のサーカススキル、ジャグリングやデビルステイック、デイアブロなども練習しています。私にとって、もちろんHOOPが一番ですが、一番大切なことは人をHAPPYにできる時間を創り出すことなのです。