Furthermore……my 10 hoops which I carried all the way from Japan are not delivered to the airport… So I had no hoops at the first trip…
On a first trip, I have to do the interpreting job to Japanese passengers. I did not have electronic dictionary which I got stolen. I was so worried about translating without the dictionary. But all the Japanese passengers are so kind and they always give me a complement word. So I was ok without hooping.
I left Sydney and chose Antarctica trip is beyond me last year. Last year I
feel I was very useless there because I did not have enough ability to work in
Antarctica. I cannot follow the slang English in a group conversation, cannot
drive the zodiac (boat) , cannot carry too much, cannot assist much for an
outdoor job.
But for a last trip, even though I did not have hooping, they gave me a lot of complement word and say thank you! to me. I realized I am ok without hooping.
Then for a next trip, they did not have any Japanese passengers. There is no main role for me and do not have many job which I can only do. So when someone asked me “What is your job?” I really think why I am here and what is for.
But what I can do more than others is Hula-hooping. It brings a lot of FUN and I am sure the passenger will love it. I am the only person who can do this on a ship. So I hooped a lot. I hooped everywhere such as hooping class in the presentation room in a ship, performing at the bar in a ship, hooping jam in a top of the hill in Antarctica continent. I had so much FUN with this and then the entire passenger looks happy too. They start to come to talk to me “Where is your hoop!? “ Some of the lovely
passengers made the “TEAM HOOP LOVE” and it makes me so happy and we had a lot
of FUN.
For these few days in Ushuaia, I hung out with the passengers who became my friends. One is very energetic American-Chinese girl named Ming and others are good way-crazy Spanish guy named Enrique. They told me that I am not useless. I bring the energy, fun and happiness to the ship. They say to me “You are SPECIAL and be CONFIDENT.”
My ability in Antarctica is limited and I feel guilty about that. But through those 2 cruises in this season, I noticed few things. If something I cannot do it, I am not be able to do it. Of course I will do the effort to get over it. But if I can’t, I can’t. But I will do my
best what I can only do. I could not overcome what I couldn’t do last year, but I am ok to be myself.
When all the bad things happened to me, I thought this is a wrong choice to come to Antarctica. My starting point is from -100.. But I am really happy to be here!
I will leave for next cruise again in this afternoon. I will do more than 100 percent of my best.
でも、自分が何ができるかってフープでみんなを楽しませることは、自分にしかできない!って思って、いっぱいいっぱいフープした!そしたら、自分も楽しかったし、お客さんもみんな喜んでくれて、「今日はフープしないの?」って声をかけてくるようになって、TEAM HOOP LOVEっていうフープのチームを作ってくれたり、本当に本当に本当に楽しかった。