This is a story about few month ago.. I got a news which made me really happy.
She contacted to me because she watched my performance and is interested in hooping. Her daughter will perform for All Star Show in her school. So she wants her to take hula-hoop lesson.
The person who contacted to me is Japanese. So I thought they sent me the message after the gig at Japanese International school few days ago.
But her answer is unexpected and she told me she saw my busking show and have contacted to me.
This news was special and made me really happy. I am still learning and studying busking. I didn’t have much confident if I did a happy hoppy show at the street theater.
However, they saw my street show and have contacted to me. It gave me a lot of motivation and made me really happy.
She is a cute 5 years old Japanese girl named Kulala and born in Australia.
She took few private lessons from me during 3 weeks of the actual performance day. I made a colleography for her hoop dance.
She was already very good at hula-hooping. But I need to have some idea 5 years old kids can do hoop dance by her self for 1 whole song.
I consider it makes her tired if I make a difficult colleography. But my principal is Happy Hoopy. So I mentioned many times to them the most important thing is enjoying the hula-hooop.
On the actual day, I went to the school to see her performance.
The other kids did singing show, magic or dancing. But Kulala is the only one who brought hula-hoop performance. Of course all the kids are cute but for me Kulala looks like the enjoy the most for the performance. It was defienetly Happy Hoopy Show to make all people happy!!
She got the first place for the All Star Show.
I heard from her mom, she practiced hula-hoop dance every night at home. She every changed a bit of colleography by herself. That colleography is from my performance which she came to watch for 3 days ago! I was so surprised she picked up the things very quick and learn the things well. She totally got her dance and even can modify the colleography!!
Everyone can make people happy and can do Happy Show. The most important thing is an effort and enjoy what we do. i realized from Kulala again. I was very happy to watch Kulala’s show and made me very happy all day long!! Thank you very much for happy hoopy show Kulala Xxx
その内容は、自分のパフォーマンスを見て、興味を持って連絡をして下さっている。5歳の子供が、学校のALL STAR SHOW(パフォーマンスの発表会)にでるので、子供にフープを教えている場所はないですか?という問い合わせでした。
これは、本当に嬉しかったです。元々お客さんが待ってくれているステージでのショーはともかく、ストリートでのショーは本当にまだまだ勉強段階で、最近は納得いくHAPPY HOOPY SHOWができているのかどうかいまいち自信がありませんでした。
その子はオーストラリア生まれの日本人のくららちゃんという5歳の可愛い女の子です。くららちゃんとは本番の3週間の間に3回プライベートのレッスンをし、ALL STAR SHOWでの振り付けを考えました。
私は、あまり難しい振付けにしても、くららちゃんがフラフープをするのがしんどくなるのも嫌だったし、私のモットーはHAPPY HOOPYなので、楽しく踊れることが1番大切ということを何回も伝えました。
当日は、私も小学校までALL STAR SHOWを見に行きました。
くららちゃんが一番笑顔でSHOWを楽しんでやっていたように、私の目には移まりした。文句のない、見ているみんなをHAPPY にするHAPPY HOOPY SHOWでした。
くららちゃんは見事にALL STAR SHOW一位に輝きました。
お客さんをHAPPYにするSHOWは5歳の子供でも誰でもできる。大切なのは、自分の努力と楽しむこと。ということを5歳の子供に再確認させられました。くららちゃんのSHOWを見て、私もその日一日HAPPY な気持ちで過ごせました。くららちゃん、素敵なSHOWをありがとう!!