any talent which you have and cannot lose.
What is your gift?
A lot of times I ask this question to my friend.
When I talked about this topic with my previous share mate RENAN, he said to me he does not know his gift. Most of people do not know their gift but there is always a gift for you. Renan asked me what do I think my gift is. I said to him my gift is a passion
and dedication for hooping as I love it so much!
He told me that I was incorrect. I was surprised so I asked him what he thought my
gift was – he responded “you make people happy and can brighten someone’s day.
When you show up, you are always the star of the party. I think that is your
gift from God”.
A lot of time, people told me that I am funny; I give them energy sometimes. My friend even said to me that I could light the whole world with my power.
I guess these words are the nicest I have heard. I always try to give my best effort to everything I do – even if it doesn’t go quite as well as I have planned. If I make someone happy then I guess it’s a success for me.
Last weekend I travelled to Melbourne for Hoop Journey – a workshop in hooping which gives the opportunity to perform in front of an audience and then receive feedback with a sit down session with the teachers.
I performed as well as I could and throughout my routine, did not forget my passion and commitment for hooping.
In the past when I performed, I had a hard time as I was not at all accustomed with putting choreography together. Due to this I was very nervous and could not dance well,
I was very disappointed with myself.
When I performed last weekend, I wasn’t nervous at all. That is because I felt the excitement and passion I had for hooping. There are not many chances to perform in front of an audience so I gave it my all and dedicated everything to my
Although there is many people who can dance better and have more hooping experience, I believe my passion and excitement allowed for my performance to go well.
When I started to perform, I asked myself what is my style? I want to perform so that the audience will be on the edge of their seats. I will not forget my gift and want to use this energy for hooping.
So what is your GIFT?
先日メルボルンでHOOP JOUENRYというフープのイベントがありました。HOOPのパフォーマンスのワークショップだったのですが、最終的にお客さんを呼んで、本当にパフォーマンスをするというイベントです。
だけど、この間パフォーマンスをした時は全く緊張はなくなりました。だって、どうして自分が一番好きなことをしている際に緊張するのでしょうか? 自分がHOOPをしているところを見てもらえるチャンスなんてあんまりないんだから、いっぱいHOOPの楽しさアピールしないと!私は楽しくて楽しくて仕方ないという心を忘れずに踊ります。きっと、踊りの経験やフープ経験が長い人は、私よりももっとうまく踊れると思うし、そんな人はたくさんいます。だけど、私はHOOPを誰よりも好きだという気持ちと、楽しんでするその心は絶対に誰にも負けません。