First I want to apology to leave the blog last month as I was a bit busy… If you came to my website to check the blog again and again, I am so sorry!!!
Today I would love to introduce one of my admire busker.
In the past, I wrote down the blog about busking. I used to busk with my hoop friend, Milly. When the time goes, I feel I want to face to busk more seriously and support myself only by hula-hoop business. This what I want to do for my living. So I got a special busking permit to treat the fire so I have a technique to busk by myself. But I don’t know what to start was scared and was nervous to start busking by myself. I went to see other busker’s show and was thinking thinking and thinking.
At that time, I saw my admire busker’s show. He has a comical joke and brought the audience for smiling. He can pantomime like a robot. He is able to swallow the balloon. He can also eat the fire. He can also make the balloon to swell and move around; make the balloon to blow up. Then he suddenly dances as a dancer. At last he does fire juggling with free line which is a board like a skating. I can’t explain how awesome he is and his show but he is just amazed. He can do everything like a wizard.
I noticed he devote all his life for the show. I‘ve actually watched his show once last year. I didn’t find anything at that time. No I could not able to find and understand any at that time. After I’ve seen many show with various buskers, have been studied about busking a lot and have thought many things, I’ve finally knew how amazing he is and his show.
Of course his technique is amazing but furthermore he is awesome with many things. He makes audience smiling and laughing all at the same time with the words which he chooses carefully and with the best timing. He makes the eye contact to the crowd, matches with the music, and controls the atmosphere. It happened not by a chance but it happened necessity by him. It should take so much time and practice many many many times with trial and error. I can’t imagine how much effort and practice he did for whole of his life. The tear came from my eye when I see his finale, fire juggling.
After that I always followed him and asked him for the advice. I was seriously working for busking. I really respect him. There is many admire points. He told me the most important things as a performer.
He always thinks about the show to make better and better. As my seeking, his show is almost perfect. But he is always looking for a new trend and new challenge and putting them together in his show. As a performer, it seems like a common sense to seek new things and tried to create the best show. But not all performers can do it. This is not easy. When it comes to the certain stage or level of the performer, it is not difficult to make money. We are able to make money. However, he told me that from the beginning that not to do the SHIT show. If you do the Shit show, you don’t make money. If you do a good show, the audience does not leave and you will make money. Do the good show.
He does not think about money. He is always looking for the new challenging and putting them into his show and trying hard to create the best show as much as he can. Then he will get money as a reward. He will leave the judge for the crowd. The audience is honest.
When I’ve started to busk by myself, I was totally beginner. He’s always looked for my show. When I see the back, he’s checked my show and kept giving me advices. Probably he’s already forgot this conversation. I asked him “Why did you support me? “ Then he said to me “Because your joyful and happiness from the show would be mine as well. “ There is no one else has the biggest passion as he has for the busking. I’ve never met that kind of person. He loves what he does. He loves people. He is such a lovely and kind person. He is strict for himself so he is strict for others. Because of that when I overcome the issue; I can have a massive joy and happiness which I can’t feel in regular living.
My busking is still so far away from the goal. But because of him I am reaching where I am now. Because of him I see the world which I’ve never seen or been to. I feel new joyful and happiness. I am really appreciate what he taught me and brought to me. I don’t know how much I should say thank you to him.
I decided to leave Sydney at end of this month to go to Antarctica trip which would be my third season. So once I will end it up to busk at the end of this month. I feel to be rushed as there is time limited. I want to do many show as many as I can. Of course I will not forget to have a good show.
For me busking is showing me my weakness and my lacking point and face to the issue I should to solve. It is not about hooping. It is for my challenging. It should be the last list to do in Sydney and it happened because it has to be.
Anyway, I failed many things but I will not regret what happened in a past. I will think what I can do it for now and will step forward slowly but one by one for sure. I will do my best and try to create the best show. I will not escape from busking or any issue I have now. I will and do complete.
He said to me that he does not like to update his show to the YouTube clip as he wants to show the audience to present with him in real live entertainment show. I also think that is a really cool idea for professional perspective.
So if you are interested in watching his show, please come to Darling Harbour in Sydney. If you see his show, you will soon find the person who I introduced. Because he can do everything like a wizard. He normally busk every weekend.
I also plan to busk at the darling harbor by third weekend of October. My primary goal is enjoying and spreading hoop happiness to the people by my Happy Hoopy Fire Show!!!
私は、過去にブログにも書きましたが、以前フープの友達のミリーちゃんと2人でストリートパフォーマンスを時々していました。だけど、私はもっと時間をか けてしっかりやりたい!フープ一本で生活したい!!と思うようになり、一人デビューするため、火を扱える許可証をとり、いよいよできるという状況にはなった のですが、何をどうしていいかもわからず、重い腰もあがらず、他の芸人さんのSHOWを見に行ったりして、悩み悩んでいました。
私も、今月3週目くらいまでは、週末はダーリングハーバーで芸をしている予定です!! Happy Hoopy Fire Show で、自分も楽しく周りの人もみんなHAPPYにできるSHOWを目指します!!!
※私のHAPPY HOOPY FIRE SHOWのビデオは下に添付していますので、お楽しみ下さい!!