But I had some sad thing happened in Niijima and was a little bit upset. On that night, I had a LED hoop jam with my lovely hoop friends. For my performance next week, I had a rehearsal there and asked my hoop friends to check my performance. Then other campers came to see my rehearsal performance session. When I performed, they
said “You are a fairy in Niijima. It was just amazing! Then when I finish performing, they came talked to me “it was great to see the wonderful performance” and shake hands.
“When I had LED hoop jam with my hoop friends and had performance, I totally forgot about my sadness. I am glad I can hoop. I am glad to catch up my hoop friends. I am glad hoop connect people and makes people happy.
Especially, this year I had a lot of time to talk with Tokyo hoopers. Of course we get along with really good with hoop story. But for more, they listened and advised my sadness story. In this camp, they really cheered me a lot.
I will never get bored to be with them at the camp. We made a hoop language. We took the hoop work shop. We hooped at the local festival. Wekeep talking for 8 hours ferry without any sleeping. They are interested in my hoop performance, checked and advised my movement. I am so happy to meet those amazing hoop friends. I have a hoop, hoop connect with new people and brought me a lot of emotion. Because of hoop, I am ok. That is what I feel after the hoop camp in Japan this year.
でも、キャンプ中にちょっとだけ落ち込む悲しい出来事がありました。その出来事があった夜、キラキラ光るLEDフープをフープ仲間みんなでしようということになりました。そして、来週のパフォーマンスにむけて、リハーサルをみんなに見てもらうことにしました。島の他のキャンパーの人達も集まってきて、いつのまにか、パフォーマンスのオーディエンスになっていました。私が踊っている時、彼らは 「新島の妖精や!すごい!!」 と、言ってくれ、パフォーマンスの後には「ええもん見させてもらいました。」と握手を求められました。