Last week was a busy week and last weekend was too. So I didn’t write down the diary… But I still want to catch up what happened to me on last weekend.
On Saturday I did the last private lesson with kids before I go back to Japan. I really impressed my students are improved so much for hooping; they breath everything what I taught to them. It is my big pleasure to teach hooping to them.
Then at night, my hoop teacher, Bunny invited me for spiritual dancing party so I went there.
There is many different kind of performance such as the dance using the veil or music performance with a dram. Bunny perform hoop dance with LED hoop. I haven’t seen her performance for a long time. It was really beautiful and I feel so much energy from her. It is hard to tell if you are not there but it was just so amazing. I realized she is a really amazing!
It recognized me I want to perform more! I had so many hooping lessons
these days. I appreciated those opportunities. I enjoyed teaching to watch
growing and improvement of my students. But I want to be much more
beautiful, powerful and better hula-hooper. When I am back to Sydney, I
will look for more performance opportunities. This will be my list for May!