boyfriend. It is almost the same time she came to Sydney and I came back to Sydney. She came to my hoop class that's how I met her.
She cheered me for the street performance. She also came to practice hooping at the place I've been taught private hoop lesson after 1 hourtrain ride. I hooped a lot with her and at last she taught me hooping a lot!
But I will not have a chance to hoop with her for a while. Because I am going
back to Japan tomorrow. (I will stay for 2 weeks and will be back to Sydney
though) She will also be back to Germany.
So today we had a last hoop practice session in Sydney till we meet next time.
Then when we finished she gave her travel hoops which she always carried. I know
those hoops are very special for her and took care very very very well. I was a hesitated to get those hoops from her but she said to me,
“Shiho, you took a lot of time to see me. You traveled a lot and you need those hoops. I want you to use those travel hoops. Don't worry."
She always suggested me to use the travel hoops because she knows I traveled a
lot. But I've never expected she will give me her travel hoops as a gift. I am
really appreciated to her giving me her very important stuff.
My friend often gave me their stuff. My hoop goods are almost from another hoopers.
My favorite sparkle twin silver hoops are from my hoop teacher, Bunny. She gave me for the gift when I left Sydney and those hoops arr very important for me.
The sparkle dress which I often use for performance is from the special hooper who introduces me to come to Sydney.
And a lot of my hoop costume and boots are from my friend who helped me a lot
when I had a hard time in Sydney. She told me she will not have performance
again but those hoop items are very special for her. So she wants to give those
to me and she wants me to use them.
When I perform or hoop, a lot of things from my friends. I believe those items have
energy from my friends. So I always think I should keep it up and do my best
what I want to do. That is the things I can and want to give them back as gifts
from me to everyone.