子供は大人以上に独創的だし、私はhoop というきっかけを与えただけで、子供はすぐに吸収して自由に動きます。子供達から学ぶことはとってもたくさんだし、それに、なによりもたくさんのパワーをもらえます。
Term 1 has been finished. In this term I got an opportunities to teach hooping for kids. Kids has a lot of power and energy. It has been challenging to get everyone together and there is a lot of things they brought for me.
It was amazing that kids are more creative than adults. I just gave them a tips of the hoops and then they absorb it soon and show me the free and creative movement. There are a lot of things I can learn from them and of course they share me a lot of power and energy.
I get used to teach hooping for kids but there are so many challenges I want to face to. In next term, making more attractive hooping class to kids so that they concentrate for a long time. I will do my best to create an happy hoppy class to the kids.