The time comes!
On last Sun, I did a big stage show and it is my first time to do such a big show all by myself.
For these few weeks, I was so nervous with few reasons. I was on a cover page on a free magazine. I also found out there will be another famous hooper to perform on a same event. I feel the expectation is high and had a bit of pressure for everything.
But when I stand up on a stage, the nervous changes excitement. I am of course not use to perform on a stage like the other performer who has many years experience. I did my best to do happy hula-hoop show to entertain people. I believe that the perfect performance with the amazing technique does not always reach to the performance which can bring people happy. When I enjoy, I can bring the happiness to people. My understanding of professional performer is be able to connect and link the happiness and joyful with the audience, This is a professional performer as I consider.
I came back with my big passion of the hula-hoop. This feeling is almost like when I started hooping. I love hooping and enjoy what I do. I noticed I always come back here.
My friend said to me, “ When you perform in front of people, you have more energy than when you practice by your self. “ It is true. When I perform in front of people, I get the energy from the audience. Then I am getting happy and am able to perform better. This will connect with the audience and the audience will feel my happy feeling. This is a good interaction energy in a performance so I can make a great show.
I always remember appreciation of the audience who watch my show. I want to get back to them to create a good show to share my happy feeling and I promise to do my best.
I have a lot of my feed back for my show to make it better at this time. However, I have a confident that I did a Happy Hula-Hoop show and believe that everyone enjoyed my show ♪
※Please enjoy the photos and free paper above Xxx I will upload the clip soon too!!!
ついにこの日がやってきました!!初めて一人だけでやる大きなstage showを、先週の日曜にさせて頂きました。showの数日前から、私は色々な理由から緊張はMAXでした。地域情報紙の表紙の写真にして頂いたり、私の大先輩のサーカスフーパーさんが一緒の舞台でショウをするということが発覚したり。。周囲の期待感とプレッシャーを勝手に感じて緊張していました。
見て下さっている方々へのありがとうという感謝の気持ちと、それに答えられるようにたくさんのhappy な気持ちをshare できる演技が創れるようにこれからも頑張ろうって思いました。
今回のshowに関しては反省点はたくさんありますが、見て下さってるみんなが楽しんでくれるようなHAPPY HULA HOOP SHOWはできた自信はあるので、まずは自分に合格点をあげたいです!!
以下、写真とFREE PAPERをお楽しみ下さい。ビデオもそのうち、アップする予定です♪