Photos by Jason Gaffey Photography and SetlistPhotography
Today I want to write down about my new LED hop, Astral Evoke as a lot of my hoop friend is curious about.
In a past, I had a Mood Hoops, and Galactic Rainbow from Hoop Empire. Astral Evoke is my first smart hoop. So I can’t really compare to any other smart hoops.
However, I loved Astral Evoke so far❤️ I got 3 Astral Evoke of 30 inch in 5/8’’ polypro tube.
I always got a heavier pipe with thicker and a bit bigger tube. (33 in. diameter, 3/4 in. OD tubing) It was a good starting LED hoops. It is of course easier to keep on your body.
Before I got Astral Evoke, I searched so many smart hoops. I decided to get Astral because of their history and good customer review. I was a bit worried to get Popyplo. I hard Poyplo LED is easily to break. But I was really looking for lighter hoops for my twin trick of my show. So I decide to get Polypro one.
I ordered 3 Astral Evoke as I needed 3 hoops at least for my show. Total cost was about US $1100 including $60 for shipping.
I tried to use my American Express card and it was declined. I tried few times and didn’t go through. Next day, I sent the inquiry to Astral and asked them if they accept Amex. And they said yes. I called my credit card company and asked the reason why I couldn’t used the card. They told me that I did not have enough money in my bank account. I only had $1300 AUD. But after the currency exchange for AUD, total cost of Astral was $1550 AUD. Oh my gosh!!!! I deposit few hundred dollars straight away. Such a embarrass reason to decline.
Anyway, if you buy from US, just be careful for the exchange rate. US dollar now is so STRONG!!!!!
So finally I made the payment and went through the ordered successfully. Phew.
OK. Now I need just wait to get the hoops. I was really excited to use my very first smart hoops for the upcoming gigs. After few days, I got the letter from the post office which said my product from overseas is more than $1000 value. So I need to pay the processing fee and TAX.
Oh!!!! My!!!! Gosh!!!!!!
Even more!? Ok. $1550 is a lot of money for me and need to pay even more is not ideal.
I was seriously thinking to refund the item….
But it has been already came to Australia and stopped in the protection border services in Canberra. I really should get it. It will be worth I hope!!!!!!
So I process the tax and it costs total $300 AUD. My 3 Astral Evoke costs me total $1850 AUD. It was crazy. My advice now is if you are interested in purchasing multiple hoops, then talk to Astral Hoops to make it just a bit discount to make less than $1000. Or purchase separate time. It would save a lot of tax fee and time of processing.
So it was all of my story about getting my first smart hoops. It was a long process and a lot of time to wait and worry,
But I am really satisfied my new LED hoops and felt like I should purchase them for a long time ago.
It totally worth it!!!!
I hope you can find a good smart hoop.
Happy Hooping xxx
こんにちわ。しほです。今日は、私の新しいLED HoopのAstral Evokeについて、フープ仲間からとっても色々ご興味、プラスご質問を頂いていたので、ここでシェアさせて頂きたいと思います。
私は、以前にMood HoopsとHoop EmpireのGalactic Rainbowを3年ほど使っていました。しかし、今回のAstral Hoopは自分にとって、初めてのSmart Hoop になるので、他のSmart Hoopとは比較することはできませんが。。。
とりあえず、今のところはAstral Evokeとっても気に入っています❤️
ちなみに、私は30インチ5/8 ポリプロのAstral Hoopを3本注文しました。
以前使っていたフープは全少し重く、太い、ODチューブのLEDを使っていました。(33 in. diameter, 3/4 in. OD tubing)重く、大きいフープ達は、もちろんボディーで回しやすいので、使いだしたの際はとっても満足でした。
Astral Hoopをオーダーするに至り、たくさんSmart Hoopについてリサーチした結果、口コミとLEDHOOPの老舗という点で選びました。ポリプロのLEDは壊れやすいと聞いていたので、オーダーするに至ってはとっても悩みましたが、フープ歴を何年か経た今ボディーで回しやすいフープよりも軽くて瞬発性と2本を使っての手技ができやすいフープ、軽さの追求をしていたので、思い切ってポリプロをオーダーすることにしました。3本は最低自分のSHOWに必要なので、3本のAstral Evoke をオーダーしました。
なので、私の3本のASTRAL EVOKEは1850オーストラリアドルかかったという計算になります。あまりにもクレイジーです。
だけど、こんなにしたかいは十分にあったと思っています。ASTRAL EVOKEですが、とっても使いやすくって綺麗で買った価値が十分ありました。
このブログを最後まで読んで下さった皆さんもいいLED フープに出会えるといいなと願っています❤️
Happy Hooping xxx