The first one is information and output. This is the advice from my friend, Takuya who is a soccer player. He said to me “Dream is one set with information and
output. “
Recently I really consider this is very important. They have few people contacted to me through my website or Facebook. They’ve talked to me about my hooping class or cheering me. They said “I am interested in your hooping class.” or “Do your best with your dreams” after reading my blog or facebook.
But if I didn’t send this information, no one has known me. So updating the photos
or news is really important and I tried to do it often.
Then people around me know what I am doing. They would know how I think and feel. It is really important to inform that what I think and want. So someone who can
support me or give me energy will come cross to me.
The second one is consistent. This is the advice from Deanne who is a professional
hula-hooper. She gave theo pportunity to me to come to Sydney. She lives in Tokyo about 7 years and found the hula-hoop while she was in Japan. She was so get into the hoop and was attractive by hula-hoop and supported herself only by hooping. Now she has so many students in her class and goes well in performance too.
One of my dreams is spreading Hoop Dance in my home town, Osaka. But I am a bit
worried if I can do this in Japan. It is even hard to get people’s attention of
hooping in Sydney. Japan is conservative country and how Deanne make the hoop
dance so popular in Tokyo?
Then Deanne said to me “I did hoop jam every week in INOKASHIRA Park which is in Tokyo. No one came in a beginning. But I always went to hoop jam in a same time
and same place of the week. Even though I don’t feel like to go, even though it
is cold, even though no one came, I went to there every week. I asked her again.
“What if you had a cold, or were sick and really really really couldn’t make
it?? “She said to me” If I couldn’t really make it, I asked someone for substitute. But it is important to be consistent. Even though no one comes and you feel hard sometimes, it is very important to keep the things.”
This word is soaked into my hurt.
My hoop class in the dance studio didn’t goes well for a long time. It is hard to
get people ,especially, the class time is so late. It happened no one comes to the
class. I thought to change the time or date few times. Then people in the dance
studio said to me “The time is not a problem. It is normal not many people come
to the class when you have just started. Because no one knows Shiho has a
hooping class yet. It is important to keep having a class same time and same
place and people slowly would know your hoop class.”
I thought to quit the class in the dance studio. But I remember this word
“consistent” and decided to go ahead till the dance studio stopped me. Then
slowly people started to come to the class. I asked them how they heard about my
class. Then they said to me the gumtree (which is a community site in
australia)or my youtube clip. I noticed because I send the information and keep
doing it so I am finally able to meet them! I am so happy that my effort linked
to the good results even though it is still a small number of people in a class.
Then people who came to the class at the late night have same level of passion of the
hooping as me. We talked about hooping with very exciting and sparking feeling.
It is on a way of my project but it is for sure slowly spreading. I am
defienetly one step forward to my dream.
The last tip of the way to make dreams come true is expectation. You expect the
dreams you want to make, you want do and what you need to do for. When I came to
Sydney at first time 2011, the bus driver who is an immigrant from Turkey said
to me “I will tell you one thing which would be really important to your life.
So please remember this word and make it happen. The word is EXPECTATION. You
expect what you want to do. You hope to make the dreams come true. You expect
the things happen. EXPECTATION. EXPECTATION…….. “
I have considered this word is really important since I heard.
I talked about the story in my blog before.
When I came to Sydney, I wrote down the list to do every month. On that
month I tried to make the things happened. I did my best to complete the lists
of the month.
If I couldn’t complete the list, I moved to that lists to next
I tried to complete the lists even though it takes time. If I wrote the
lists down, I made everything happened. Then a little by little, my expecting
dreams are coming true. I had first performance, taught hooping class in a dance
studio, made show reel of my promotional hooping video, and had private lessons
for the kids. I expected and imagined the lists which I wrote would happen. I am
excited to think it would happen. I can only see the future which my dreams is
coming true. It can always create your expecting future to be written down how you
want to be and what is your dream and to make it clear what you need to do.
Three years ago, I didn’t know hula-hoop dance. Who could
imagine I would start to support myself by Hula-Hoop!? Yet many people think it
is impossible, I always believe myself and just did it. Everyone is surprised my
result because all the dreams which I EXPECT is coming true so far!
They have so many other tips to make the dreams come true. But
today I just introduced my 3 best tips. I am sure you have an expecting future
and desire dreams. Please just do it to make the dreams come true and make the
things happen.
Of course I can't be positive all the time and sometimes tired but
I will keep this 3 tips. I will do my best to make the dreams come true. Because
I am on my way of my dreams…..
まず、一つ目。情報と発信。これは私のお友達のフットサル選手のたくやくんからもらったアドバイスですが、「夢と情報と発信は一セット」と言われました。情報と発信、これはとっても大事だなと最近常々思うんです。例えば、ここのところWEBSITEやFace Bookを見て連絡をとってきてくれる人達がいます。そこには、私のクラスの情報を見て「興味がある」と連絡をくれたり、ブログを見て「頑張って」と連絡をくれたりします。でも、もしこの情報を私が発信しなかったら、きっと誰にも私のことを知ってもらえないわけです。だから、思ったことや写真やNEWSは随時アップするように心がけています。周りの人はそれで今自分がどうゆう活動をしているかとか、どうゆうことを感じているかとか知ってくれるわけです。自分の思っていることを伝えるというのは本当に大事なことです。そうすることで自分を支えてくれる人や力になってくれる人は必ず現れます。
するとDEANNNEは言いました。「私は週に1回井の頭公園でHOOP JAM(誰でもHOOPに来てHOOPができる無料のHOOPセッション)を開催していた。最初は誰も来てくれなかった。でも、どんなに寒い日でも気が乗らない日でも、決めたその日その場所その時間に絶対毎週行った。例え、誰もこなくってもね。」私はもう1度聞きました。「例えば、風邪の日は?病気の日は?どうしてもどうしてもどうしても行けない日は?」すると、彼女は言いました。「そういうどうしても、無理な時は代行を立てた。絶対、穴をあけないことが大事なの。誰もこなくっても、どんなにしんどくっても継続が大事。」この言葉は私の胸に本当にしみました。
夢を叶える最後の一つはやりたいことを、自分の叶えたい夢、やりたいこと、そのためにしなければいけないことを、明確に思い描く ことです。
2011年に初めてシドニーに来た時にトルコからの移民のバスのおじさんが言っていました。「これからの人生でとても大事になってくることを言うから、 よく覚えておいてね。EXPECTATION。自分がやりたいこととか、願いとか、いつも夢が叶うよう思い描いて。期待して。EXPECTATION EXPECTATION」